1. milyday (0 příspěvků) Úterý 27.06.2023 10:49:20

    Long story but I desperately need help LMP was on 14 10 took Clomid was my first time checked ovulation with OB GYN and had 3 follicles 2 dominated on left ovary and one little small on the right ovary Took HCG shot on 25 10 BD same day few hours before the shot then again on 27 and 28 So far so good right Drama started on 8DPO had pain on left ovary so I thought maybe implanting but when BD I could take the pain and pressure on the ovary So I went to OB next day did ultrasound said the dominated follicles are out he can t see them but the right one became a cyst 3cm and that s what causing pain I told him the pain is on my left side he said that s a revert pain anyway I had ever since a watery CM tested many times BFN till 14DPO at night I got v bad cramps then v light brown CM I thought maybe now implanting but it become dark brownish red with clots so I said that s AF and cried alot that I m out this month put a pad and woke up next day found light spots on the pad which is not normal with my AF at all its heavy on day 1 and decreas gradually I doubt again did a beta second day which was 15 DPO was 0 cialis pills for sale Effects of a component of green tea on the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells

    a) milyday
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a) milyday